Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Halloween

We took the boys around my parents neighboorhood this year and they really had no idea what was going on. They were little dragons and actually wore their costumes the whole time. The weather was perfect!

What a year!!!

So it's a looooong time since I've posted anything. I've been using Facebook a lot since it's much easier to find time to post things from my phone. So if you want all the details and tons more pictures, check out my FB page. In the meantime, here's a high light of the last year.

-Justin and Landon turned 1 in Sept.!!! They're doing great and are right on track for weight and height and only a little behind developmentally

-I turned 31 and had a really fun party complete with an inflatable water slide

-Chris is working tons and travels quite a bit still

-I'm enjoying being able to stay home and take care of the boys

-Justin took his first steps and will be cruising around the house soon

-Landon is crawling ever where and standing on his own

-We survived the worst heat wave ever!!! So hot we only went swimming in the evenings

-The boys love to swim and splash in the pool

-Bye bye Trailblazer SS, hello minivan. Which I love!

-In Sept. we survived our first vacation to Michigan to visit Chris' family. The boys did great flying and so so on sleeping in a new place

-Chris reconnected with his biological dad and while in Michigan we got to meet him and his family. It had been 25 years since Chris last spoke to him

-The boys saw their first snow in Feb.

-We're currently weaning off formula and onto whole milk. I can't wait to be rid of that huge expense every month!

-The boys sleep really well and will now general sleep through the night

-They talk and play and gibber jabber all the time

-Justin gets into everything and wants to know how things work. He's a very happy kid

-Landon is happy playing. He loves toys that make noise and things he can shake around

-The house is still a work in progress - still waiting to finish tiling the rest of the house

-We celebrated our 10 year anniversary in Oct. Can't believe we've been married for a decade!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Great Day

What a great day. First I was able to button and zip my pants for the first time since having the boys. Then I went to the hospital to see my boys and was surprised to find my little Landon off the CPAP and onto nasal strips. Then I was able to hold both the boys together for the first time. Then my bracelet I ordered came in the mail. Then my husband made an amazing video of the boys first 4 weeks of life. What a great day!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The boys are here!!!

We are so thrilled to welcome our 2 little boys into the world!!! They came earlier then we would have hoped, but we're so thrilled to have them here. They made it to 29 weeks gestation and will be in the NICU at least until November. Pictures and birth story to come.....

Justin Michael Stark
Born at 5:59am on 9/10/10
Weighing 3lbs 4oz
16.5" long

Landon James Stark
Born at 6:01am on 9/10/10
Weighing 3lbs 0oz
16.1" long

My first time to hold Landon:

Landon holding my index finger:

Justin during his CPAP change:

Justin showing off his big beautiful eyes:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What a week so far

This week has been pretty crazy. Chris and company were able to do start demoing the house and got the bathroom almost totally demolished. I finally got off all those antibiotics and started feeling better. Tropical Storm Hermine hit on Tuesday and dumped 15" of rain on us in a matter of hours. The house and garage flooded. The living room had 3" of standing water in it. Luckily we have an awesome ward and about 20 people showed up with towels, sand bags, etc and helped with the clean up. Now that the wood floors are ruined, I guess we get to add new floor to the list of things to get done. Chris won't tell me the real extent of the damage, but I'm pretty sure some furniture got ruined. On the bright side, because so many people came over to help with the clean up, then saw extent of the remodel and many of them volunteered their time to help Chris get things gone before me and the babies come home.

That couldn't come at a better time because yesterday we had a scare and I spent all day in L&D waiting to find out if we would be delivering the babies. I had some change in fluid and the Dr. was concerned that it may be mecunium or an infection. The infection screen came back negative and they really don't know what it is. After consulting with the Perinatologist today, the Dr. decided that we would take the 'wait and see' route. As long as the babies don't show signs of distress and I don't spike a fever, they keep cooking. I also found out today that patients that have ruptured membranes will deliver at 34 weeks. So only 5 weeks to go!!! I'm excited for this weekend because the Perinatologist is supposed to come around again this weekend for a growth ultrasound; can't wait to see how big the boys are.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 28 and the 3rd Trimester

I actually made it to week 28 and the 3rd Trimester!!! 5 weeks ago we never thought this would be possibly when we first got here at 23 weeks! I've survived being dilated to 4cm, my water breaking at 27 weeks and numerous bouts of dehydration and IVs, weeks of being sick, lots of contractions and pushed to the edge of my sanity. I'm very blessed to be sitting here still pregnant and growing my boys. Each time I think I can't go on another minute something happens that pushes me to endure. Sometimes it's not my choice, but I'm always so grateful when I get to the other side and can look back and say I made it through another trial. Thanks to all the people who are praying for us, a wonderful family that supports me, a husband I adore and a Heavenly Father that continues to bless us. Without all this, I wouldn't still be here.
I'm also very blessed that the boys always seem to be totally unaffected by everything. Their heart rates are always nice and strong and they love to move around constantly. (I think I'm going to miss their moving the most!) These boys are fighters and hopefully they will just as strong once they're born.
The cribs and valance came in this week. The valance is even cuter then I thought it would be! I can’t wait to get the whole set and see it all put together in the nursery. Chris is going to work on expanding the closet this week so when my mom gets back next week she can paint the room and get the cribs assembled. I can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like. It does make me sad that I don’t get to participate in all the stuff you do when you’re pregnant. Especially since this is probably the only time we’ll be doing this. At least I have people who are willing to do it for me.

Here's what I do all day:

My guardian angels:

28 weeks:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 34

Today was just as bad as yesterday, no sleep last night thanks to the nurse coming in every hour to either check my vitals or give more meds, Erythromycin is the devil, still leaking amniotic fluid, severe stomach pains continue, feel like a drug addict with all the meds I'm taking (8 different meds everyday and many are multiple times a day), and all this just to prevent a infection that I don't even have. Did I mention how much I love this leaking fluid thing.

Chris has been a lifesaver, taking care of me and waiting on me hand and foot for the last 24 hours. He's amazing and I couldn't ask for a better husband!!! I think I hit my lowest point this morning and just about checked myself out of this place. Thanks to Chris' pep talks and incredible amount of support, I'm still here and still pregnant.

We finished the last doses of IV antibiotics this afternoon and now I have 5 days of oral meds. At least I'm not hooked up to any IV lines anymore, just the port is in. Not having the IV meds has made me feel a little better and the side effects aren't nearly as severe. I can't wait to hopefully get some sleep tonight and hopefully have a better tomorrow. These boys better appreciate what I'm going through for them!