Sunday, April 6, 2008

Few finished projects

So some people have been asking to see pictures of a few things we've been working on. The 1st one is our newly planted flower bed in the front. We tilled up the old one and planted new plants. The 2nd one is of our new DVD holder we built into the wall. We think it works great and it's very functional. Chris did a great job. The 3rd one is of our newer car. We sold the GTO and got a Trailblazer SS last month. It has much more room and is much more functional. Chris loves it because it has the same engine as the GTO, so it goes just as fast.

We find out in 4 days if the last round of IUI worked. Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Katie said...

The pictures look great! I love the built in shelves. They look great. YOu should post before and after pictures of the room too! It looks awesome.