Friday, June 27, 2008

Disgusting (if you're squimish, don't read)

I've been battling this infection for the last week or so and this week it really turned gross! It all started last week (4 weeks since my surgery)when I noticed that the incision in my naval was really sensitive and developing a lump. As the week went on, the lump got bigger and more sensitive. I called the Dr. and they said everything was fine and it was probably a bad reaction to one of the remaining sutures. Several more days go by and it's much worse the lump is the size of a quarter. After I played volleyball on Tuesday, I noticed it was looking like it was going to burst. That next morning, it had done just that. We're talking Mt. St. Helen's here; a disgusting amount of blood, puss and other fluids. I called the Dr. back (really to rub it in, that it wasn't just a normal reaction) and they said to clean several times a day and it should go away. Well Mt. St. Helen's decided to continue to erupt throughout the day and I used more band-aids and gauze pads then I can count. This has continued on for several days and so far I've ruined bed sheets, several shirts and used an entire box of band aids. This has been 1 big, disgusting week and I can't wait for this stupid thing to heel and stop leaking pussy fluids!!! And this has ruined my plans to go to the lake this weekend!

1 comment:

Katie said...

WOW.... that's really gross. That's something to definitely through in your doctor's face. LOL