I actually made it to week 28 and the 3rd Trimester!!! 5 weeks ago we never thought this would be possibly when we first got here at 23 weeks! I've survived being dilated to 4cm, my water breaking at 27 weeks and numerous bouts of dehydration and IVs, weeks of being sick, lots of contractions and pushed to the edge of my sanity. I'm very blessed to be sitting here still pregnant and growing my boys. Each time I think I can't go on another minute something happens that pushes me to endure. Sometimes it's not my choice, but I'm always so grateful when I get to the other side and can look back and say I made it through another trial. Thanks to all the people who are praying for us, a wonderful family that supports me, a husband I adore and a Heavenly Father that continues to bless us. Without all this, I wouldn't still be here.
I'm also very blessed that the boys always seem to be totally unaffected by everything. Their heart rates are always nice and strong and they love to move around constantly. (I think I'm going to miss their moving the most!) These boys are fighters and hopefully they will just as strong once they're born.
The cribs and valance came in this week. The valance is even cuter then I thought it would be! I can’t wait to get the whole set and see it all put together in the nursery. Chris is going to work on expanding the closet this week so when my mom gets back next week she can paint the room and get the cribs assembled. I can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like. It does make me sad that I don’t get to participate in all the stuff you do when you’re pregnant. Especially since this is probably the only time we’ll be doing this. At least I have people who are willing to do it for me.
Here's what I do all day:

My guardian angels:

28 weeks: