Thursday, September 9, 2010

What a week so far

This week has been pretty crazy. Chris and company were able to do start demoing the house and got the bathroom almost totally demolished. I finally got off all those antibiotics and started feeling better. Tropical Storm Hermine hit on Tuesday and dumped 15" of rain on us in a matter of hours. The house and garage flooded. The living room had 3" of standing water in it. Luckily we have an awesome ward and about 20 people showed up with towels, sand bags, etc and helped with the clean up. Now that the wood floors are ruined, I guess we get to add new floor to the list of things to get done. Chris won't tell me the real extent of the damage, but I'm pretty sure some furniture got ruined. On the bright side, because so many people came over to help with the clean up, then saw extent of the remodel and many of them volunteered their time to help Chris get things gone before me and the babies come home.

That couldn't come at a better time because yesterday we had a scare and I spent all day in L&D waiting to find out if we would be delivering the babies. I had some change in fluid and the Dr. was concerned that it may be mecunium or an infection. The infection screen came back negative and they really don't know what it is. After consulting with the Perinatologist today, the Dr. decided that we would take the 'wait and see' route. As long as the babies don't show signs of distress and I don't spike a fever, they keep cooking. I also found out today that patients that have ruptured membranes will deliver at 34 weeks. So only 5 weeks to go!!! I'm excited for this weekend because the Perinatologist is supposed to come around again this weekend for a growth ultrasound; can't wait to see how big the boys are.

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

HAHA, emphasis on SO FAR! Congrats!