Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm officially 30!

Well it finally happened, I turned 30 today. Today was not how I pictured it or how I planned it, but it sure has been a great day. First off, I'm still pregnant and the boys are doing great! That's the best birthday present ever. I got to have breakfast in bed! Room service all day long, people bringing me ice, water, food; what else could you ask for? I got to lay around and watch useless TV all day and not feel guilty. I've received so many emails, texts messages, facebook posts and phone calls wishing me a happy birthday....I feel so loved by so many people!! My sister came up and decorated my room this morning and it looks fantastic. Brad even stopped by with his entire engine crew and had the entire wing talking about what was going on in room 317 that brought out 7 fire fighters. Several nurses came by afterwards wanting to know who was single. The cook staff sent up a very yummy looking pie and my favorite nurses sang happy birthday to me. The rest of the family will be up later this evening for cake and ice cream. Not to shabby of a day.

Me and Bryleigh

Flowers from Wendy and the Willow Tree from Chris:

Maggie and the gifts she made:

Dad, Chris and the balloons Mom got me:

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